Rolling Devices

Rolling devices in various designs

FUHR has a large selection of the most varied rolling mills in its portfolio. These are either integrated by our customers into their own production lines or combined by FUHR to form complex rolling mills.

The differences between the individual machines are in the number of rolls, the degree of automation possible and precision achievable for the wires rolled. In addition, the machine types are available in several sizes which are characterized by roll diameter and nominal rolling force.

WSR | Flat Wire

Precision 2-high rolling mill

The 2-high rolling mills of the WSR type differ from the usual 2-high machines available for wire in their higher stiffness and the resultant higher precision of the flat wire produced.

Unique to the WSR FUHR rolling mills is the option of oscillating the rolls continuously crosswise to the wire. This obviates the otherwise usual changing of the track and the working life of the rolls increases many times. The degree of utilization increases.


WN | Profiles

Type WN | Standard profile rolling mill

The WN range is the base type for the FUHR profile rolling mills. The WN type profile rolling machines are always used when profile wires need to be produced economically and normal precision is sufficient. The mechanical concept of this machine type leads to compact dimensions so that machines with large roll diameters are also possible. FUHR supplies the WN type with roll diameters of up to 500 mm – and thereby provides the largest 4-roll profile rolling mill which is available on the market.


WSN | Profiles

Type WSN | Precision profile rolling mill

The WSN range is a further development of the WN type. The WSN type profile rolling machines are always used when profile wires need to be produced to the highest precision. The fundamental mechanical concept with surrounding frame and linear roll positioning with a wedge mechanism gives this machine a very high stiffness.


WST | Universal

Type WST | Universal profile rolling mill

The special feature of the WST profile rolling mill in comparison with the WSN and WN types is the additional adjustability of the rolls in the axial direction. Each roll can thus be adjusted radially and axially.


WSE | Rounding

Type WSE | Precision rounding rolling mill

The WSE range is characterized by two rolls with vertical axes. The WSE type rolling mills are used to process the wire to be rolled from the side. Their use is almost always combined with 2-high mills (type WSR) or profile rolling mills (WN, WSN or WST type). The basic mechanical concept with double-sided roll mounting and linear roll adjustment provides this machine with a high stiffness.



We look forward to
your request!

FUHR GmbH & Co. KG
Ottenhausener Straße 49
D-32839 Steinheim

P.O. Box 1230
D-32834 Steinheim

+49 5233 38360 0 (tel)
+49 5233 38360 50 (fax)
